Saturday, 17 March 2012

Vanessa Minnillo Changes Her Last Name – Why?

For Vanessa Minnillo, 31, an important part of the “security blanket” (that’s what she believes marriage should be about) is changing her name, so from now on she is to be known as Mrs. Lachey.The co-host of Wipeout told Access Hollywood that the decision rested solely with her. It wasn’t the result of any pressure on part of Nick Lachey, 38, she pointed out, but he was happy with her wish to take his name when they discussed it. “He was so sweet,” expounded Vanessa, telling her that he would accept it any way she chose. When she told him that she was old-fashioned about these things and wanted them to go by the same name, he answered that it would be flattering to any guy.
Nick and Vanessa have been in a relationship for over 5 years and wedded since last July, but,
according to Vanessa, the feelings are still different due to the realization that “your partner and your best friend is there for you forever.”
Although it takes time to change your name, the former Miss Teen USA set the things in motion – her security card was already done last week, and her driving license is on the way.

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