Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Not Yule-tide Spirit: Brooke Mueller Got Charlie Sheen Arrested for Assault

The Two and a Half Men star and his wife’s reunion ended in a brawl that made Charlie Sheen spend his Christmas morning in a freezer. Sheen and Mueller – to go back a while – married in 2008. It seems they had been apart for the best part of the last three months, but decided to get together for the holidays. This decision led to Charlie Sheen’s being accused of
felony second degree assault, felony menacing and criminal mischief.
What happened exactly isn’t quite clear yet. What is known is that at 8:34 AM Christmas morning cops in Aspen, Colorado, took a 911 call. Brooke Mueller said that her husband attacked her and tried to choke. Consequently Charlie found himself driven off to the Pitkin County Jail, where he stayed until 7pm when a county judge ruled to accept an $8,500 bail.
What is not known is whether these accusations are quite accurate. Brooke was pretty soaked when she called the police and is trying to shift her story round. But she definitely wanted protection from her drunk husband, she insists. She registered a .13 against Charlie’s .04.
Sheen’s publicist, Stan Rosenfield, warned the public against making hasty judgments and hinted that not everything is as it may seem to be… Anyhow, Sheen’s hearing will be on on February 8, 2010.

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